Saturday, May 17, 2014


Dear Missionary,

Have you ever seen the movie Napoleon Dynamite?  If you have, you either were rolling on the ground laughing at the ridiculous humor, or you wasted an hour and a half of your life, bored out of your mind!  There is no middle ground when it comes to this classic movie.  One of the most ridiculous and controversial characters is Kipland Dynamite, commonly known as "Kip".  Near the end of the show he sings a song at his own wedding about how much he loves technology (which is appropriate seeing as he met his wife, Lafawnduh, chatting online)!  The lyrics go something like this.

Haha sounds like our boy Kipland has an everlasting, celestial-like love for technology.  Although we all know that poor Kip is a very lost when it comes to social norms, perhaps his view on the importance of technology isn't all that far-fetched.   In a recent devotional for young adults, Elder Ballard mentioned Facebook, Pinterest, Instragram, and even Snap Chat as means of sharing the gospel!

So what role can technology play in missionary work??  In Alma 37 we learn that the Lord doesn't often take large, drastic, and dramatic leaps when it comes to furthering his work.  Rather, "by small and simple things are great things brought to pass..." (Alma 37:6).  Technology has made it like a million times easier for all of us to do "small and simple things" which allow the Lord to work mighty miracles.

Think of the largest building you have been to.  When I was a young little pup, I went with my family to New York and we huffed and puffed our way up to the top of the Empire State building.  The view at the top took away the little breath I had left (haha just messing I used the elevator).  It truly was MAGNIFICENT.  That building didn't just fall out of the sky one day.  It was build bit by bit for 1 year and 45 days.  

Now the question is, do we continually add a "brick" or two, so to speak, to God's skyscraper of salvation??  With the help of technology we can practically sit back in the comfort of our own home, click a button or two and add a few bricks to God's masterpiece.  It hasn't always been this easy!  Back in the early days of the church, saints would go hungry, sacrifice material possessions, and spend hours building magnificent temples to further the work of salvation.  Are we willing to sacrifice a minute or two and maybe a bit of social pride to continue the work of salvation which they started??  You best believe we are willing!!!

Here are some ideas on how to use the classic social media platforms that we are on all the time!

1) On your Instagram profile, put your favorite spiritual quote

2) Throw up an Instagram that has something to do with a spiritual experience you've had

3) Make a funny or powerful meme that has something to do with the gospel (personal fav)

4) Rate the Book of Mormon on so it comes up as a related book to the Bible

5) Create a profile and then link it to your Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts

6) Send a PERSONAL Facebook message to someone and share a scripture or quote

7) Reach out to all the people you worked with on your mission!

8) Follow church Twitter accounts like and then give them some good ole retweets.

9) Send a little snapchat of gratitude to someone

10) find out who the missionaries are in your area and then add them as friend on Facebook!

There are like a million more options, so get creative.  Above all, remember that "every thing which inviteth and enticeth to do good, and to love God, and to serve him, is inspired of God." (Moroni 7:13)

Remember who you are.  You are a Missionary... even when you are online!!

-- Parker

P.s.  Do you have any other ideas about how to share the gospel online.  Share them in the comments below por favor!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Dear Missionary,

Have you ever thought about some of the great things that have happened in the history of the world?  For example, the first time fire was created was a huge step for human progression!  So were the invention of the wheel, the printing press, the industrial revolution, and landing on the moon!  Yet comparing the importance of these events with the coming of Christ is like comparing the light from small candles to the light of the sun!

Jesus Christ is the center of the all of the Missionary messages.  The Message of the Restoration is not so much about the restoration of a church organization as it is about the restoration of his gospel that gives us access to his atoning power.  The Plan of Salvation is not just a drawing on the board, but is a journey of transformation founded on Christ's atonement.  And, of course, the Gospel of Jesus Christ would consist of meaningless ordinances were it not for Him.

Jesus Christ is the savior of the world.  He has experienced the pains of every human that has ever existetd!  Because He has descended below all things, he has the power in his hands to lift us above all things.  In tribute for what Christ has done for me, I wrote this song about "The Master's Hands" :)

Here are the lyrics!

The Master’s Hands

The Master’s hands, so innocent, so undefiled
His mother smiled.
Those hands matured, as he became a carpenter:
Master of wood.
But would he know? That with those hands he’d shape my soul?
The Master’s hands.

A busy street, a blind man who could not see,
Against the wall.
As tears of pain fell from eyes like drops of rain.
The lonely man.
A gentle touch, from those hands wiped tears of shame;
His sight regained!

The Master’s hands are drawn, he holds the healing balm
The Master’s hands are worn, can’t you see the palms are torn?
The Master’s hands are drawn, he holds the healing balm.
The Master’s hands are worn, can’t you see the palms are torn?

The knuckles white, as he prayed with all his might
That lonely night.
Those humble hands, those humble hands were bound,
But he made no sound.
The wood once shaped by his hands became the place
He would hang.
And though once dead, the Master was resurrected
The Master’s Hands.

The Master’s hands are drawn, he holds the healing balm.
The Master’s hands are worn, can’t you see the palms are torn?
The Master’s hands are drawn, he holds the healing balm.
The Master’s hands are worn, can’t you see the palms are torn?

Those loving hands are still outstretched for…
Those loving hands are still outstretched for…
Those loving hands are still outstretched for…
Those loving hands are still outstretched for…
For you!

Remember who you are.  You are a Missionary of Jesus Christ


p.s.  How have the Master's hands shaped your life?  Comment below!