Monday, July 21, 2014


Dear Missionary,

Wanna hear one of the greatest human mistakes?  Often times we listen half, understand quarter and tell double!  Like our friend Willy above, its easy to just put on a listening face, act like you are interested and just hope the person doesn't ask you to repeat what they just said :).  But the natural man who would think of chocolate waterfalls and gum that tastes like plums rather than actually listen has no place in missionary work! As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day saints, we must learn to listen as Christ would listen if we are to HELP our brothers and sisters come unto the Savior himself.

It has been said that listening is one of the greatest duties of love.  Have you ever had a moment when you wanted to share something very personal and important and the person you are speaking to isn't listening at all?  I think I would rather talk to a pet in those instances because at least you can imagine that the pet is listening and understands :).  On the flip side, have you ever had a moment where you share something personal and important and the person you are speaking to listens with love and care?  It's moments like those when trust is built, a support system forms, and a friendship begins.  People truly don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.

Let me elaborate with a bit of an analogy :).  I am by no means a rancher, but I have heard that at times it can be difficult to lead a horse to water.  Anyone who knows anything about horses knows that the last thing you want to do is try to drag the horse with a rope to the water.  The harder you pull, the harder the horse will pull back.  Instead, one needs to go where the horse is, calm it down, and walk SIDE-BY-SIDE with it to the water.  In the same way, all of us as missionaries need to go where others are, spiritually speaking, listen with love to understand where they are coming from and walk by their sides with great care towards the waters of eternal life, Jesus Christ.  Only in this way can we HELP others to come unto Christ.

As in all things, Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are the perfect examples of listening with love.  Have you ever considered how much our Heavenly Father listens to us patiently?  Every time we pray he is completely intent on listening with love and fully understanding where we are coming from.

So before seeking to respond, let us follow the example of our Heavenly Father and listen with love.  Stephen Covey said that "Most people don't listen with the intent to understand, they listen with the intent to reply".  Why don't we choose to be different than "most people" and listen with love?  

Whether we are full time missionaries or member missionaries, the skill of listening is vital.  As a full-time missionary that may include asking more questions like "how do you feel about baptism?" or "what are your thoughts about coming to church?" and then listening with your whole heart and soul to make sure you understand them before you respond.  As member missionaries it may simply be asking a friend or neighbor what their beliefs about God are and why they believe that way and then listening with care. Don't worry about what in the world you are going to say... your goal should be to just understand.  When you truly understand, then the spirit will whisper to your soul the words that you should say.

So my invitation and challenge to all bold enough to be every-day missionaries is that you ask someone in need this week a spiritual question and then listen to them with all of your heart.  If you do, I promise that you will know how to share something meaningful that will point them to the Savior Jesus Christ!

So my friend, choose first to be a listener.  Remember who you are.  You are a Missionary!

-- Parker

P.s.  Do you have any cool stories or insights about listening with love?  If so, please share :)