Sunday, September 21, 2014


Dear Missionary,

You know, I'll be honest, I have never taken a family photo like the one above.  I can only imagine the joy that it must bring to throw on a white dress shirt, some blue jeans and mount a big fat branch with your siblings and parents.  However, I have felt the incredible joy of doing work with my family tree!  Believe it or not, family history work is essential to hastening the work of the Lord and furthering missionary work!

This past summer I went to the BYU library to hit up some family history work.  It honestly turned out to be one of the most incredible experiences I have had as I was able to find a handful of ancestors in need of temple ordinances who share my middle name, Judd.  As I walked home I stopped under a huge tree, laid underneath it and soaked in the peace of the moment.  It was such a spiritual and symbolic moment as I lay beneath a tree after having performed work on my family tree! :) I had to snap a pic!

Have you ever wondered why we use the symbol of a tree in connection with family history work?   Although I am no biologist, I want to talk about how the roots, trunk and branches of a tree magnificently symbolize family history work.   A large, healthy tree, like the one above, needs deep, well established roots in order to sustain life.  The trunk connects this source of life to the branches, which produce leaves, flowers, and fruit in some cases.  Each part of the tree, the roots, the trunk and the branches, are essential for the success of the tree.

Likewise, establishing and expanding the roots of our family tree is essential to producing fruit in the Lord's vineyard.  When we search out the names of our ancestors and perform the necessary temple work for them, we free them from the bonds of sin and allow them to work hand in hand with us in missionary work!  Alma states that "angles are declaring it unto many at this time in our land; and this is for the purpose of preparing the hearts of the children of men to receive his word..." (Alma 13:24)

So let's begin to free our ancestors, establish our roots, and open the floodgates of heaven!  To do this we must first become familiar with the resources the Lord has given us to hasten family history work.  These resources include,, and many others.  President Monson told us that "we are going to make mistakes, but none of us can become an expert in family history work without first being a novice."  He goes on to testify that "the Lord will bless us as we accept and respond to this challenge" (Hastening the Work, June 204 Ensign)

I trust you to be a big boy or a big girl and figure out the first step for you in this incredible work.  Even though I was initially a "Doubting Thomas", I started exploring my family tree on and in a short amount of time I have found dozens of names of my ancestors in need of temple ordinances.  And I have found that there is NOTHING to compare to the sweet joy of performing temple ordinances in their behalf!! :)

For both the living and the dead, you are a Missionary.

-- Parker

Please share any experiences you have had with family history work!!!