Sunday, February 23, 2014


Dear Missionary,

Chances are, if you are reading this blog you are a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day saints :).   So do you know what that means?  You are a missionary!  And if you haven't felt a little like our friend up above then you are the exception, not the rule!  The purpose of this blog is to help all missionaries everywhere (especially us members) to be a little more courageous in the building of the kingdom of God.

I hope that this blog acts kind of like a fire pit. Think of all the coals in the fire pit.  They all work together to keep the flames going.  And so many blessings come as a result (like some crazy tasty s'mores)!  But if you separate all the coals, they will begin to cool down and burn out, becoming worthless.  In that same way, the last thing that Satan wants us to do is to unite ourselves to build a burning fire of missionary work in God's kingdom.  But, unfortunately for him, that is exactly what I want to do!  So let's make this a place where we can collaborate and share ideas and experiences together to keep us all stoked about missionary work.

So let's start simply with fear vs. love!  Take a minute to think back to a time you tried to share the gospel with someone.  Were you a little nervous or scared?  If you are anything like me, then you were! And you know what? That is totally okay!  Mormon said simply "... I fear not what man can do; for perfect love casteth out all  fear." (Moroni 8:16) So Charity, or the pure love of Jesus Christ, can and will cast out all fear!

I like to think of Charity like building muscles.  All of those tough guys and girls out there who hit the gym everyday usually drink some protein shake or something before they go work out.  That way, when they work out, the protein goes to their muscles and helps build them up faster and stronger!  In the same way as drinking a protein shake, we must pray with all the energy of heart to be filled with Charity. After,  we must go and serve and help others, just like working out.  If we do this, I know that we will overcome the weakness of fear and be able to be strong in serving in the Lord's kingdom.  

I saw this clearly in one of my companions on the mission.  This Elder got to the field and didn't no much more Spanish than "Dios te ama" (God loves you).  This Elder would just knock on the door and have a huge smile on his face and when they opened up he would smile and say something about God with as much love as he could.  Then he would turn to me to take over.  Awkward? Absolutely.  Powerful? Definitely!  So many more people were willing to listen to us because they felt his love!

So that is my challenge.  That we all begin to "pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that [we] may  be filled with this love..." (Moroni 7:48)  I know that if we pray for Charity everyday and then seek to reach out to others in love, we will overcome fear and contribute to the work of salvation!  Jesus Christ is the source of Charity and will freely give it to us as we ask the Father in his name.  I know that Jesus Christ lives.  I know that this is his work.  I know that he has the power to strengthen and uplift all through his love!

Remember who you are.  You are a Missionary!


What are your thoughts about Charity and its role in missionary work?  Please comment and share experiences below!