Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Dear Missionary,

Have you ever biffed it and just felt like a complete dummy?  Well I sure have.  Just last week I was skateboarding and was crossing an intersection and hit a sewer drain.  My board completely stopped and I went flying!  To add to my troubles, my heavy backpack threw my weight forward, and I finished lying on the street with my backpack over my head and my knees scuffed up.  Ouch!  As I got up, brushed off my pants, and readjusted my backpack, I couldn't help but wonder if we can really be grateful in any circumstance ;)

We have been commanded to "thank the Lord thy God in all things", and we have also been told that "in nothing doth man offend God, or against none is his wrath kindled, save those who confess not his hand in all things..." (Doctrine and Covenants 59).  Why would the Lord to command us to give thanks in all things?  What benefit is there when you give thanks as you lie face down, either literally or figuratively, with your knees scuffed and throbbing in pain?

President Uchdorft put it beautifully as he said, "It might sound contrary to the wisdom of the world to suggest that one who is burdened with sorrow should give thanks to God.  But those who set aside the bottle of bitterness and lift instead the goblet of gratitude can find a purifying drink of healing, peace, and understanding" (Grateful in any Circumstance).  I testify that gratitude allows us to access the power of God and find true happiness regardless of our circumstances.

President Uchdorft later mentions that we often times are so caught up in waiting for a rainbow that we forget to be grateful for the rain.  I think this happens more often than we would like to admit.  I have always thought it is so funny that sometimes, during a meal, we find ourselves talking about other types of food.  As we eat steak we talk about the great sushi we had last weekend; as we stuff our faces full of delicious burritos we feel the need to talk about which type of chicken is our favorite at Panda Express; as we eat a big bowl of Cinnamon Life we have the classic debate of whether sausage or bacon would win in a fight. 

(we all know sausage wins every time haha!)

To be honest, there is nothing wrong with talking about different foods as we eat: in fact, I think it can be quite fun.  But sometimes we treat life this way... thinking about what we don't have and forgetting about what we do have.  Happiness isn't having what you want, but wanting what you have.

I think this is most applicable to relationships with others.  When, as a pre-missionary, you are stuck at home for the months before you leave and have to put up with your annoying little siblings; when, as a full-time missionary, you are stuck with a companion that drives you up the wall, or an investigator who won't seem to do a single thing; or when, as a member missionary, you are stuck with a neighbor, friend or co-worker who trashes your beliefs... you must choose, in these moments, to be grateful even for these people.  Choose to say prayers of thanks for these people.  Give thanks to God for your siblings that bother you.  Give thanks for your companion that drives you crazy.  Give thanks for your professor who loads on the homework.  Give thanks for your relationships with others, for in so doing, you will find gratitude is a key that unlocks a part of your heart that can love more than you can imagine!

Above all, let us be thankful to our Heavenly Father, who sacrificed his son, and to Jesus Christ, who sacrificed his life.   I testify that they love us and will help us be grateful at all times and in all things.   Let us embrace their help through humble prayer, both of supplication and of gratitude.

Remember who you are!  You are a grateful Missionary!

-- Parker

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this post Carter! The past few days I have been trying to be more grateful. You gave me some great ideas to think about as I continue in my goal! I gotta be honest-it is hard for me! I am grateful that we can DEVELOP an attitude of gratitude---that it isn't just something you either have or you don't :) I know it is a very worthwhile pursuit. Lov ya!
